Shooting the perfect video...

Well this is what we reckon at least...

Shooting the perfect video is something of a Holy Grail to say the least - naturally there's no such thing, however if you take a brief from a client who knows what they want their video content to achieve, then it's up to you, the producers of that video, to make the perfect video for them (the client).  By this we mean you need to READ the brief, not just look at it and decide what you want to make for them, try to understand their marketing challenges and deploy all of your talent not only as a video producer but as a writer of scripts, and image maker, a marketeer and brand expert, an organiser and if necessary a teacher and politician!  In other words you need to be all of these things and more to have any chance of making the perfect video for your client. But here's the problem, most video producers these days fall woefully short of being qualified to this extent - so frankly they have no chance of making anything close to the perfect video. Yes it might be arty, sure the music is good and titles are groovy but ask yourself what it lacks.. does it need to sell? if so, how hard and what are you selling?  Does it need to create awareness if so, to whom and for how long?  Does it need to leave people thinking? if so, what do you want them to think and why?  All of these elements will add up to more than them sum of it's parts, a perfect video. Well close anyway !